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Image by Aron Visuals
Gold Foil Texture

Choosing Wisely

140 minute masterclass for helping pro's to be more confident and effective in guiding others to make difficult choices with clarity, courage and wisdom. 

Below is a recording of a 2.5 hour masterclass where a case example of Fred struggling with a midlife funk and a crisis around his career.

AUDIO to download or play below...

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Please adapt and use freely
~ with attribution and respect for sources.

1. CORE NEEDS Analysis 

2. Inner MAPPING Tool - go here.

3. The 5 Choices Method - Demo'd here

4. Scenario Planning

Learned and adapted from Adam Kahane's work - detailed in his books "SOLVING TOUGH PROBLEMS", "TRANSFORMATIVE SCENARIO PLANNING" and my favorite read which inspired my life's work "POWER and LOVE".

Gold Foil Texture


To refer to my clinical practice?   

I am currently not looking for clients in my clinical practice, but open in special circumstances where the fit is strong. 

      Send potential clients here.

My main focus is shifting to my life's work on growing a community for men to be learn and grow in reciprocal mentoring (below).  

Know of men who wish to grow relationally?
Whether they are struggling in their intimate relationships, itching to make a big change or looking for more depth in all their relationships, you can invite them to check out our growing community of practice and the pathways we offer through "Powerful And Loving (PAL)". An even more gentle nudge may be to send them to read this story.

To study and learn with me? 

I offer customized mentoring opportunities to select men and women with whom there is a strong alignment in purpose and life goals. To suss out more together, lets start a conversation... 

© 2016 POWERFUL AND LOVING ~ We are men helping one another to heal, grow and thrive in our relationships!

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