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Ready to grow your
relational MUSCLES? 


virtual dojo

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Would this be the right place for you


if you are a...

  • TRUTH SEEKER:  you want to understand yourself, others and to show up authentically.
  • TRIBE LOVER:  longing for community, to be a part of something bigger. 
  • LOVE WARRIOR:  ready to learn new ways of being and to train in the never-ending art of friendship and intimacy. 
  • DEEP CONNECTOR: craving more honest, deep and reciprocally satisfying interactions with men. 


if you are...

  • SELF STRIVING: You only care about you, your goals and what you get out of stuff. You are not open to looking at yourself and your impact on others. 

  • CONSUMING: You want to hide behind a screen to gawk, scroll and consume content.   

  • TROLLING: Want to pick fights, draw divides or troll to affirm your fragile ego. 

  • COMPLAINING: You want a space to vent, blame and complain about your life and other people. 

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Our culture is both...

...Available 24/7...


  1. BE SEEN and HEARD within a private, confidential and compassionate space we have created online. 
  2. BELONG to a COMMUNITY of honest and courageous men equally committed to growing their relationships. 
  3. CHECK-IN with a BUDDY  to create closer connections and get follow up support. 


  1. WE "DARE" one another to create deeper connections with one another, our partner and selves.
  2. Share in LIVE CALLS for breakthroughs, insights and encouragement only possible in a live group.  
  3. POWERFUL EVENTS and RESOURCES: like the trainings below and any new adventures we set out on while you are a member...

These Adventures are included... 

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Waking the 


Our 7 Day Embodiment Challenge to grow more passion, aliveness and power.

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Our effective training on stopping stupid fights to transform conflict and deepen connection. 




A five part guided audio training to cultivate clarity courage and discernment

Not yet?
You may be wondering...

Is it secure?


I'm glad you take that as seriously as we do. 

We are using a platform called MIGHTY NETWORK (MN) which ~ unlike any other social media provider ~ allows us the following security and benefits: 

NONE of the content we create is owned by MN - they just provide the hosting and platform. As the admin and owner of PAL, we have access to but we would not share or use any of your comments or images, etc, without your full permission and joyful agreement. 


There are ZERO ADS and no sharing of any data with third parties. 

How much does it cost?


$97 per month. The price of a good meal or more comparatively, about 30-40 minutes of time with a decent relationship coach or therapist.


To us it is the cost of basically keeping the lights on and keeping it running well. How do we manage to tend a high calibre community with such a low fee? Mostly, because we share the load and do it out of love. 


The question I ask you is "How much is it worth to you to have a private, secure, and confidential space to been seen and heard and supported to grow in your relationship - with 24/7 access?"

Why do I need to apply?


Two reasons...

First, it's all about making sure our precious time is spent only with men of integrity and the values we share because... 


The company of men we keep affects the

quality of man we each become.

Second, the PAL virtual dojo demands a certain level of trust and commitment that is rare and needs to be cultivated. Your application allows us both to suss out if you are up for this or not. 

Still not sure...? 
Need to talk to someone first? 

© 2016 POWERFUL AND LOVING ~ We are men helping one another to heal, grow and thrive in our relationships!

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