Powerful and loving
Brief Overview
WILDHEART is an illuminating experience for men...
An eight week long Initiatory Adventure which blends ritual and real life experiments, deep reflection and online sharing to create a series of life altering and potent bonding experiences with a group of highly committed men.
Every week is about discovering a distinct part of
ourselves through The 5 Archetypes of Manhood
~ The Lover, The Warrior, The King, The Magician and The Wild Man.
culminating in a fire ritual in person in Toronto, Canada.
The Struggle is Real...


& Wired


Longing for DEEPER Friendships
Meet John...
Once there was a man named John who tried hard to be the best father, husband, colleague, and friend. Believing that if he was a "good man," life would work out.
But despite John giving his all, it was never enough. People kept asking for more. Over time, he became exhausted and emptied. Lacking the satisfaction he so craved, he started to feel resentful and bitter.
"I'm so fucking tired of trying to please everyone else!
What about ME!?"
"Is this all there is?"
Like John, you may have also
Determining to fix things, John knew there was a problem, and like any problem, all it required was a solution. So, he looked at...

John read many book on improving communication and how to be a better father and husband. It helped to know what he could do, but also made him feel more inadequate when he failed to live up to their suggestions.

Taking classes helped John feel more grounded and calmed his busy mind. But, he soon felt defeated not being able to continue his practice or stay "equanimous" amidst the hectic workday or his intensely emotionally household.

Talking to a third person together brought up a lot of stuff John and his wife struggled to deal with. It was painful and needed, but also expensive and slow...

John's life coach promised to help him rewire his brain and think more positively. It was expensive and took a lot of effort and vigilance to try to correct his own thinking. Whenever he lost his temper or felt low, it felt impossible to do.

Open to trying "anything" and hearing about it from a friend, John went to a retreat with this plant based medicinal ceremony, promising to heal the wounds of his past. He had an intense trip and felt a purge or something really dark, returning lighter and more at peace with himself. A couple of weeks later, he felt sucked back into old patterns.
John had learned a lot about himself in trying to fix things, but if he was honest, not much had changed. He was still striving to be the good guy—only this time on steroids.
"I feel like I've tried everything. I need something radically different...
"What else can I do!?"
The call of the Wild...

...is a restless and unsettling need
to burn the leash...
Break routines and penetrate the mundane.
Coming back to our senses...
Returning home daily with new energy
that is enlivening and wild...
Meet your leaders...
What You May Gain from
this mysterious process...
There are no guarantees in life,
But, we feel so certain about this process that we will refund the entire fee to any man who participates fully and does not experience a significant increase in the following...
Awareness of the main parts of our selves opening us up to deeper acceptance of being multi-dimensional men.
Feeling more passion, keen in our senses and alive in our nervous system, able to face fear more bravely.
More authentic and able to show up more fully, with more ease, resilience and grounding.
More spacious in ourselves and integrated, we are better able to step through tough decisions with more wisdom and grace.
Are done with the latest and greatest self improvement kick.
Yearning to go deeper to create & sustain real change.
Looking to get out of the over-thinking and into the territory of the body, emotions, and instincts.
Ready to step out of their own comfort zone while respecting their limitations.
Have the integrity to show up for one's self as well as other men.
To clarify, this is only for men who...
The Bare Necessities...
Weekly FLOW
LISTEN on Sundays
Take a DARE - anytime.
LIVE group online on FRIDAY eves.
BUDDY Call, any time...
Private 24/7 community (off social) to reflect in.
+ Group on zoom 1/week.
The rest is immersed in your every day offline real world.
REAL LIFE Adventures
Every week we dare you to go on your own mini adventures.
We will also gather in nature together
around a sacred ritual fire.
3-4 hours /week.
Invest more
to get even more.
Friday, January 20th, 2023
Eight weeks of:
Live calls (Friday nights - EST
In person ritual eventsI (details t.b.a.)
Like comparing apples to oranges...
You may find other 8 week men's groups which appear to have a similar focus and content, that cost anywhere between $599-2500 US.
But, not all men's groups are the same...
What makes Wildheart so unique...
Having been through decades of men's groups and friendly with many existing men's orgs, we truly believe Wildheart is in its own class.
The intimacy of the small group (12 men max), the high ratio of mentorship 4 to 1 (or less) and the level of experience and expertise of your leaders (Michael, Anthos and David) who are each trained as therapists and hold over 60 years of collective experience in personal growth, men's work and healing together make the value very high and rare to find elsewhere.
If you wanted to hire us to take you through the experiences you would have in Wildheart the course of the two months we will be learning and growing together - factoring in our current hourly rates - it would cost you $1200/weekly, $9600 for the 8 weeks and 20 hours live together.
Yet, our mission is to make this program
accessible to men and so we ask for...
$875 CAD*
($700 US)
Early Bird ~ $750 CAD ~ till January 3, 2023
* If finances are tight and yet you're fully committed, see expectations above, please contact us to discuss financial support.
If you want extra support to accelerate your growth...
Sometimes, the terrain we need to get through demands more allies and support.
If you are going through major life changes or deeply stuck and sense ~ wisely ~ that you could greatly benefit from individual support from one of the seniors mentors as you go through Wildheart, you can find out more about our 1-1 mentoring here.
And ask about our special Wildheart + Mentoring package offering.
After finishing Wildheart
The journey does not need to end
after the 8 weeks are over...
As a graduate of Wildheart, who has been initiated into the ways of The 5 Archetypes of Manhood, we also welcome you into our community.
For trusting us and investing your growth,
we offer you 3 gifts...
30 Day Access to our
PAL - private online community
(Value - $400)
4 Compassionate Accountability Calls
2 Group Mentoring Calls
30 Day Access to our
Relational E-TRAININGS
(Value - $1500)
A private access to visit and
invite to join MASTERHEART
Exclusive access to visit one of our
private deep support groups ~ only
offered to select men we have vetted.
Questions Left Hanging...
Click on each one to watch
our brief video response....
How long does it take?Though the steps are clear and proven to work, it depends on each man, given his unique circumstance, established clarity and readiness. On average men take.... 4 - 8 weeks to complete the first journey CLARIFY - Escape from the Labyrinth. 3 - 6 weeks to complete the second journey CHOOSE - Making a Wise Decision. Given the depth and scope, the third journey CREATE, varies more. Some men want our intensive guidance and support for 1-2 months after deciding. Others seek it for 6 months or more. Some men continue on with our ongoing MASTERHEART program ($200/month) to maintain the deep connections with other men and continue growing relationship muscles through our trainings and intensives.
What does it cost?Given the level of experienced, intensive and multi-leveled support including weekly: 1-1 Sessions with David (60 mins) Emotional Process Sessions (75 mins) Small group Reflection and Support Circles Conflict and Relational Skills Training 24/7 Accountability & Process Tracking And the nature of each stage being unique, here is the cost break down: CLARIFY - 8 sessions (10 hours) is $1,997 (CAD) CHOOSE - 5 sessions (10 hours) is $1,997 (CAD) CREATE - flexible 1-4 mentoring sessions ($200 each) + $250/month for The MASTERHEART experience of weekly group learning, accountability and support. A partial subsidy is sometimes avialable (due to the generosity of private donors). Please inquire if you have concerns.
Is it private and confidential?Our mentoring process is fully private and confidential. Our online community is within an password protected eco-system. Open and vulnerable sharing in our live groups, occurs within a context of strict confidentiality where what we share is held as sacred.
What if it doesn't work for me? (GUARANTEE)??No. We take the application process seriously. This only works for men who are ready and willing to put the courageous work in, to do what it takes to break out of past patterns around intimacy and commitment and finally be free to love fully. Not for window shoppers who are looking for deals and an easy escape from the impact of their actions.
How do I keep my partner from finding out I'm doing this!?You don't. Instead, we highly recommend you TELL your partner that you are doing this program. Yeah, I know that might seem terrifying. You might fear that they'd try to sway you, or leave you first, or that knowing you're doing this will hurt them somehow... or... something else painful. The first few steps in the program are all about HOW to do this in the most POWERFUL ANDLOVING way so that it actually helps you (so you have nothing to hide) and it helps them relax and trust you more.
So, what's my partner's role then?"Once in the program, you will be checking in with your current partner to... Provide clarity on what you think is going on for you. Checking in with them by asking them to verify your perceptions as well as asking them to share their truth with you. Provide insights and concrete input on relationship questions you need to hold together. Potentially (up to both you) you may ask them to help you to stay accountable and honest doing parts of the program where you will want to lie to yourself. And, by informing them (sending them to the partner pages -- tba) they know what this is and so they can give you the space and blessing to do this critical work.
Last words...

"You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees for
a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal
of your body love what it loves."
~ Mary Oliver